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Thursday, October 28, 2010


ok so i don't want to use the word MISERABLE...yet.

i think i should save that particular adjective for a later date...since i have WEEKS to go and it will be like the boy who cried wolf if i use it now!

but seriously guys, this is getting interesting. i am thankful that it's been easy breezy up until about 30 weeks...but here i sit at 34 weeks, waking up every.single.hour. during the night, either to pee or roll over (which hurts, by the way). roaming the house at 5am, trying out some yoga positions to help ease the pain in my hips. no fair! i do not appreciate nature "training" me to sleep less in preperation for baby! i had firm plans to sleep till noon every day if i could to savor the luxury of sleep (my favorite thing to do), which i would all too soon be giving up for the love of my unborn child. this is bullcrap!

no sitting, standing, or lying down position is comfortable in any way, so i just have to bite my tongue and pretend that do not want to rip my own hair out. bah!

ok thanks for letting me get that out...on another note: mk and rachel hosted a baby shower for me last night!!! it was so great. so good to get all the girls together! everyone was so generous, and made such yummy treats by the way! thanks to everyone who came, and big thanks to mk and rachel, it was awesome! i love my tahoe family! i will put up some pictures soon.

duncan had all the boys over to his house while us girls were at mk's. he made a banner that said "when the girls get together, the boys do it better!" he's so competitive!  ;)


1 comment:

  1. It's so nice for your mom to hear that you have such a wonderful group of friends WAY out there in Tahoe! Can't wait to spend time with everyone out there, and meet our newest love nugget in person. I know you are uncomfortable now, but maybe when she drops and is in the correct position it will get better. Push her into the middle of your belly! haha Seriously, I hope she gets into a better position in your belly real soon so you can enjoy the last few weeks.
