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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Doggie notions

Turtle and Dexter are clearly the apples of our eyes....
They are beginning to figure out that something is going on.

Obviously Kristen has a belly, but let's focus on the important things in their world, the guest bed.
The guest bed served as a comfortable, semi-private, nap and/or full nights' sleep location for our dogs.  Now clearly something is afoot; the once convenient bed that the dogs shared is gone, a smaller bed with a protective fence replaced it; and no dogs are allowed to hang out in the once-guest room, now-nursery.

Dexter maintains a sharp focus on activities in the forest and the state of our outside surroundings.  So Dexter spends his days (those that are not rainy) outside and is perfectly happy to sleep on the appropriately named 'doggie bed' on the living room floor.  Turtle, on the other hand, is a 'dog of leisure.' He insists on sleeping on a bed or couch for approximately 22 hours a day.  Turtle is, of course, very cute when he jumps on the couch and curls up on top a throw pillow as if he were getting ready for some sort of 'relaxation competition.'

About a month ago, after his morning walk and breakfast, Turtle decided to make a daily ritual out of getting some sleep in our bed; on my pillow, next to Kristen, for a couple hours in the morning.  Every morning I am at the computer, Dexter is outside securing the perimeter and Turtle is making sure Kristen is getting the sleep she needs in the last 8 or so weeks of her pregnancy.  This seemed cute and like a form of protection for an expectant mother which has become a very endearing trait of Turtle's.

However, last night Turtle decided that; since I was asleep on the couch at 11pm, somebody needed to sleep with Kristen and that was his responsibility.  When I groggily wandered into bed around 1am, Turtle was fast a sleep on my pillow.  I merely accepted the result of my tardiness and went to sleep with Turtle above my head like a horizontal canine version of Carmen Miranda.

Everyone was tired enough that the situation lasted about 4 hours...when Turtle started snoring.  Trying to share a bed with an uncomfortable pregnant lady and a snoring dog is less than ideal for yours truly.  Considering that in a few months cry, feed and poop all-nighters will become the norm here on Ponderosa Drive, Kristen and I decided to take some action and poke Turtle until he woke and decided that he was too uncomfortable and would have settle for the couch.  Turtle's snoring turned to the most self-pitying groaning any one has heard from a dog, and most humans for that matter.  After what seemed like an hour of prodding and the closest thing to complaining most dogs are capable of, Turtle conceded his pillow, which was actually my pillow, and headed for the couch.

Tonight I will be heading to bed early in order to establish rank with my little tri-colored counterpart and I will wish our dogs a good night's sleep; Dexter on his 'doggie bed' where dogs sleep and Turtle on our couch, where apparently Turtles sleep.



  1. J,

    It sounds like you have quite an understanding of dogs' emotional states. Perhaps a back-up profession of Dog Whisperer is in order.

    When we brought you home as an infant, we were sure that Otto the Lab was going to have you for breakfast the very first day. You two must have communicated at some level because he was always very tolerant of you. He would just go upstairs when you pulled on him too much. Since it took you a while to master stairclimbing, he was safe for qutie a while.

    We're sure you will all be one happy family.

  2. Turtle slept on my head when I visited in April; it was a memorable night.
