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Friday, December 3, 2010

no baby yet people.

no baby yet!

if i call my sister she thinks i'm going into labor. cause why else would i call?

i have possibly my last yoga today, but i am a little afraid to go because: what if my water breaks in class???? i don't know where this fear came from, or what's so bad about it anyway...we need to get things moving here! but still...that would be so gross and so embarrassing.

turtle is very concerned with not leaving my side these days and dexter is very concerned with the bone in the front yard that dad bought him. i always worry about how those two are going to handle the new addition.

yesterday i got my carseat inspected...umm yeah we did not even come close to installing it correctly. ha! but she's in there good and secure now so we're good to go.

i swear there is nothing interesting going on now. just the w.a.i.t.i.n.g. game. maybe i need to stop waiting, because i could potentially go a couple weeks past my due date! but i can't help it!! just so excited to meet her.


1 comment:

  1. well i mean, come on, of course i get all excited when i see you calling me! i think, could this be THE phone call?? is it time? should i leave work right now because you might have the baby ANY MINUTE??? ha! kinda like what jimmy fetzer said about his wife: "oh yeah, our second kid? he just fell out. didn't even have time to get to the hospital and he was already born." wouldn't that be sweet if your baby simply just fell out when it was time?

    ok on a serious note...I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! time to go pick mom up at the airport woop woop!
