three days over my due date. it's okay. everything's fine. this is totally normal. someone get me a beer.
i'm actually feeling great for being fully baked. had a great yoga session yesterday, and i feel super healthy and active. i am far from miserable, which begs the question: do i have to be miserable to be ready to give birth? i hope not, i don't see why this can't be awesome 'till the end. boo yeah!
an estimated due date is just that, an estimate. you are full term from 37 (for most babies) to 42 weeks. after 42 weeks, the placenta can start deteriorating and they will induce your labor. so it's totally normal that i haven't given birth yet (MOST first babies go past their due dates), but i tell ya, the waiting will kill you!
my main concern is that i need to have this baby before our families get here, with time to have days at home to heal and adjust just jamie, baby and i. this is my main source of stress. oh and that they'll have to induce me....which can lead to complications, lots of meds, and even a c-section. no thanks.
i have no contractions, unless i am so awesome at handling pain that i can't even feel them!! i think this is it. i have tried acupressure with mk (ankle massage supposedly stimulates labor) and had some spicy food yesterday at tacos jaliscos!! hmm, neither worked. guess i'll just keep on walking!
everyone send me some labor vibes, i could totally use them!!
It's a test of patience for sure! Thinking of you all the time now and sending good vibes from afar!