visit us here for updates on jamie, kristen & baby lavalle

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ummm...i'm due next week. that's crazy.

just had a doc appointment, and she's getting low low low. but he said if he had to put money on it, i'll be at my appointment next tuesday, with no baby yet.

mom gets here on monday, fun!

oh and congrats to allison and jim who had baby alexander last night!!! i hope i'm there on the other side with you soon, al. he's gorgeous. wow i get all misty-eyed when i think about meeting our little one! every single day jamie says "is the baby coming today?" as if a) i have any idea and b) he started asking this 3 weeks ago, so yeah...he's gotta hang on a little longer.

check out this picture i just took of my belly, it looks crazy different from the one last week! and a good comparison pic because i am basically wearing the same clothes, ha!


Monday, November 29, 2010

just over a week until d-day!

hello there!

i hope everyone had a relaxing and delicious thanksgiving, we sure did! thanks jeff and alicia!!

things are going good here on the lavalle homefront! there is sooooo much snow here. like, SO much snow. we have about 9 feet and another storm rolling in on wednesday. wowza! a record november. KT-22 (the chairlift) opened last friday, the earliest in the season it's opened in the history of squaw. there has to be pretty significant coverage for it to open as it is quite dangerous, so ya. major.

it has been hard to not be skiing right now, but i spent a long time mentally preparing for this. i expect to be on skis by february. that's when we start getting all of our good snow anyway, so i think i can make it. i just need to not look at my skis...which is a little hard when your husband sells skis for a living and there are 300 pair in your garage, but whatever ;)

okay, so i have an appointment with my doc tomorrow and i am anxious for it because ever since i was sitting on the couch after dinner playing cranium on thanksgiving, i have had major low pressure and sharp, shooting pain. constantly. i am a waddler. walking is seriously a chore. but she doesn't LOOK lower, so i don't know. we'll see.

is it happening soon? i have no idea! if you know, let me know. ha!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2 more weeks until my due date!

well, i am 38 weeks today. we are certainly in the homestretch, as baby should be fully developed and is just gaining weight at this point. hopefully she's a little chubbster when she comes out, because i happen to love babies with fat rolls.

but it seems like she wants to grow more, because i still haven't dropped. she is just leaning her head on my pelvic bone and sticking her bum into my ribs. comfy! i now feel as though it's been fun and all with this belly, but i think i would not like to get any bigger, thank you very much. everytime i see my belly from the side in the mirror my eyes bug out of my head, and i catch myself with that look on my face and burst out laughing. we are officially defying gravity here, people.

i can't wait for the amount of guilt-free eating i will do tomorrow (normal holiday-associated guilt-free eating + preggo guilt-free eating = i am going to eat way more than you. guilt free. ha!) and my mommie-cakes will be here on december 6th, yay! home cooking, i can't wait for you.

last week mk and i went down to appleville (yes that's the name of the town) and went apple picking, here are some pics:

it was NOT easy to get on that swing.


Saturday, November 20, 2010


little munchkin smoochie:

mk and mat got a PUPPY and i am soooo obsessed. this is just what dex looked like when he was a wee one, minus the white patches. he is such a snuggler. i will be stealing him all.the.time.

congrats mk and mat!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

no longer a preemie

hey hey, we've gots us a full-term baby here!

yesterday i was 37 weeks, so baby is fully gestated and can come anytime. but don't get your hopes too high, i still have 3 weeks until my due date, so we could have a ways to go here. i was talking the other day to a girl who finally gave birth 18 days after her due date. ummm...sorry but i would die.

just took this pic a minute ago with photobooth. little girl has not dropped yet, but she did switch to the other side after chillin' on my left side this entire time, so things are definitely changing, or happening, or something...

we've got a HUGE storm rolling in this weekend, and i hope it sticks, because i would love baby lavalle to come into this world into a snowy, white tahoe winter wonderland. then she'll just be wired for the white stuff, you know? gotta get her priorities straight.

i have been feeling alright, hanging in there...sleeping is not something i expect to take place anymore. so since i have accepted that sad fact, things have gotten a little easier. but yeah besides having a giant basketball under my shirt and the general awkwardness that causes (with doorways, bending over, sitting, putting on socks and tying shoes), i really do feel great.

now that we're so close, time seems to have come to a halt. we just CANNOT wait to meet this little person. we're very ready to have our lives with this baby start soon. we've been going to the movies a lot and just enjoying this quiet time together.

thanks everyone for all your sweet well-wishes, it means the world to us, we love you!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


36+ week pregnant ladies, here's some advice:

DO NOT forget to tell your husband you're going out to coffee with your sister. he will think you have crawled into the forest and are giving birth in the snow under a tree. 

he will cry when he asks the dog where his mommy went and the dog doesn't answer.

he will call your phone 17 times (oh know how you haven't turned the ringer on on your phone... ever? you should turn it on now).

he will drive his car around the neighborhood.

he will analyze all footprints in the snow in the vicinity of the house and think that jake the snake's large footprints are actually your abductor's.

as long as you come home during or right before he calls the police, you're cool. 

just sayin'....


Monday, November 8, 2010

baby shower

here's a picture of baby beau helping me open gifts at my baby shower!

thanks to mk and rachel for planning and hosting, and making the whole thing so fun. thanks to all the girls who came out, and to everyone who showered baby lavalle in love!!! and ladies, all the food you brought was pretty killer! love you guys!

and here's a pic jamie took of my torpedo belly this can bet your ass i cropped my face out of this picture, as i looked as though i had climbed STRAIGHT out of hell. ha!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

just one month to go...crazy!

it's a gorgeous fall day here in tahoe, i've got the doors and windows open, it feels so good!

jamie's down in san fran for the weekend for the ski & wine fest. the dogs and i wish he would come home! i am very sure that labor is a ways off so no worries here.

i got all of our cloth diapers for the little one and had waaaayyy too much fun washing and folding them all. does this make me crazy? how boring am i getting all excited about something my kid is going to poo all over?? they are soooo cute though. i wish i wore fleecy underpants i could just do my business in all the time!!! (okay, maybe that sentence was a little nuts)...i just love a little poofy diaper butt on a baby! what? you say i won't feel like this for much longer? um, yeah, i know.

ummmm look at my belly. gettin BIG i tell you. i can feel distinct limbs moving about in there, it's so weird. i feel like she flipped breech actually, but i won't know for sure until tuesday's doc appointment. maybe i'm just freaking myself out...

please excuse the old lady hands...what's going on in this picture! gross!


Monday, November 1, 2010

happy halloween!

aunt mk and uncle mat:

and what's halloween without uncle duncle:

hope everyone had a great halloween! when it was pointed out to us that this would be the last halloween that we wouldn't be paying for a babysitter, we made it out to the chammy for a little celebratin'...almost made it till 10:30!!!
